What Are the Quietest Bird to Have as a Pet and Why? The FACTS!

Having a pet bird can bring a lot of joy to a person’s life. However, birds are notorious for being pretty vocal, so for some, they simply don’t want to deal with all that noise. Yes, a bird needs to be vocal at times, especially if they help identify something that might be wrong. It just doesn’t make a lot of sense for some to have a bird that won’t stay quiet.

Fortunately, there are some pet bird options out there for people who want to control their noise levels. Some just don’t make much noise at all, while others have low volume. Going with one of these species can help a person stay a lot saner.

Think about it, if you’re going to spend all the time and money soundproofing your home, you might as well have a pet that respects all those efforts in keeping your home quiet!

1. Finch

These very small birds do make noise throughout the day, but they have a very quiet chirp that does not cause much distraction at all. Even if someone owns a flock of them, the sound never gets to the point that it is overwhelming.

In fact, the faint chirps and peeps are very pleasant as part of ambient noise in the home. They are birds people will be interacting with by handling them, but they make nice pets nonetheless thanks in large part to their volume controlled pleasant sounds.

2. Canary

It might be a shocker for some people to see a bird known for their singing to make a list of quiet pet bird options. However, it is part of the finch family, and that means volume never gets too high. They might sound like they are singing a happy tune, but it never gets to a level where it is too distracting in the home.

A lot of people love owning pet canary birds because of their bold colors. Bright yellow is the most common type of canary, but they also come in red, orange and white.

Since they are solitary birds, for the most part, that also helps to control the sound. Having one canary won’t make anything too noisy.

3. Senegal Parrot

Out of all the parrot options for pets, the Senegal parrot might be the calmest and quietest. They do talk from time to time, but they limit their screeching quite a bit.

They love socializing with the people they live with, and they don’t need a ton of stimulation to stay active. In fact, a lot of the time, they will just sit next to their owner and very little noise.

Obviously, any person who ends up getting a parrot understands that their home will get a little noisier. It’s just not that overwhelming when choosing a Senegal parrot. Just make sure they get a chance to burn off some energy outside of their cage, or they do become more vocal.

4. Dove

Throughout history, doves have a reputation for being very sweet and having a calm demeanor. They work pretty well for pets, and they don’t need a ton of attention all the time. They are relatively low maintenance, and that also means not making a lot of loud noises.

With that said, dogs aren’t for everyone if they want complete silence. As long as they are awake, they are almost always cooing at a certain volume. It’s usually not that much to where it is distracting, but it is worth noting.

5. Bourke’s Parakeet

This parakeet has talkative times, but during the day, they stay very quiet. Their active hours are at the beginning of the day and right at dusk, but even then, they don’t get too loud. They are pretty relaxed birds overall, which helped keep the volume down quite a bit.

All in all, this is a very low maintenance bird that a lot of people seem to gravitate towards. It isn’t the most common type of parakeet out there, but one for those who want to enjoy a quieter life.

A bonus with the Bourke’s parakeet is that they do enjoy flying around, but will handle being outside of their cage well when doing so. Some people opt for smaller cages for them during the day and then allowing them to fly around the home after work.

6. Pacific Parrotlets

A lot of people really love everything that this bird is about. It is a small species that shows a lot of affection and stays pretty active throughout the day.

They never screech or even scream, which keeps noise levels down. Their soft chirp is tolerable, and it shows that they are enjoying their socialization.

They also come in some pretty stunning colors, which makes them stand out in pet stores. It is considered one of the best species for people looking to buy their first pet bird in their life.

Common Questions Regarding Quiet Pet Birds

When shopping for a new pet bird that stays quiet, many people have questions. Here are a few common questions that come up during the searching process. (Source)

Do completely quiet birds exist?

There is no pet bird option out there that stays 100% quiet all the time. Birds need the ability to make noises, and it’s completely natural for them to do so. If a bird is not making any noises, it is considered a warning sign that something might be wrong healthwise.

Birds that stop making noise should see a veterinarian as soon as possible. They will be able to identify what is causing the issue, and allow a bird to get back to her normal self.

Just how loud can certain pet birds be?

If a person has never owned a pet bird before, they may not realize just how loud certain birds can become. Not only can they be distracting for people who live with the bird, but neighbors might be disturbed as well.

Anyone who doesn’t want to deal with loud noises should stay away from birds such as cockatoos, macaws, conures and African grays.

These are just a few birds that just make a little bit too much noise throughout the day. All of them but conures are pretty big in size, which allows them to have the lung capacity to make frequent noises at high volume levels.

While there are some training methods to limit how much sound certain pet birds make, there’s only so much that can be done for certain breeds. It’s best to just avoid them altogether if noise is an issue, because it will drive a person crazy trying to train them properly.

Is there any way to limit noise coming from a pet bird?

One method that a lot of people take if their pet bird is making too much noise is to soundproof a birdcage that they live in.

There are different setups a person can consider that will significantly reduce just how much noise is heard. This helps a lot, specifically at night when humans are trying to sleep. Try some of these simple changes to see in instant impact.

Acrylic bird cages over standard metal bars

The most standard pet birdcage is made of metal, and there are simply too many openings for sound to escape. An acrylic birdcage, on the other hand, is a very thick sheet of plastic with just enough holes in them for airflow.

It is impossible to interact with a bird while in the cage quite as much, but sound levels go down significantly. It doesn’t change the bird’s demeanor at all when compared to other birdcage alternatives.

Using a birdcage cover

A birdcage cover (Amazon Link) comes in handy at night, blocking out the sun and encouraging sleep for the bird. Getting the right cover can also help control sound as long as it is built thick enough and comes with the right material.

A properly designed cover won’t cause any trouble for a bird whatsoever. There is still room for airflow, and it is usually only over the birdcage for part of the day.

Acoustic foam panels and soundproof sheets

The same materials many people use in the music industry can also help control bird sounds. Acoustic foam panels and soundproof sheets are both very affordable options that can be customized to fit a birdcage perfectly. many people are surprised by just how much of an impact this type of set up can make.

It’s encouraged to put any soundproofing material on the outside of the cage, because some species will pick at The material when they are bored. No one wants to come home to damaged soundproofing material.

Living with just the right amount of pet bird noise

There are a lot of benefits to owning a pet bird. For certain people, they make the perfect companion throughout the day. Just make sure to choose the right species that fits the lifestyle.

A lot of people who live in small homes or apartments want to keep noise levels pretty low overall. Getting the wrong species will just cause a ton of frustration, and could ultimately force a person to give their new bird up.

A bird is capable of making loud noises and having a relatively calm demeanor is the best recipe for a relatively quiet home. Visit a local pet bird shop to have a better understanding of different bird pitches and volume. This is the best way to tell what type of species is the best fit overall.

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